“It’s all very well operators planning to expand their existing brownfield assets after five or ten years with a few additional wells to maximise returns if, by the time they want to make that investment, their subsea controls system has become unreliable and is now obsolete…” Iain Smith – Senior Vice President

Iain Smith, our Senior Vice President, and Tore Erntsen, our Chief Technology Officer, have both featured in an in-depth and wide-ranging examination of the current trends in the global subsea sector undertaken by OGV Energy in its latest monthly magazine.

Iain and Tore discuss operator strategy around subsea tiebacks, the critical need for reliable subsea controls systems and the increasing recognition within the sector that subsea trees are becoming commoditised, among numerous relevant and highly topical insights.

This article is reproduced here with the kind permission of OGV Energy. Read the full issue here.

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